More Letters to Predvestnik

Responses to the “Islam” issue:

1. Dear workers of Predvestnik!

We have read your issue (#2’94), and its contents gave us courage. We were especially inspired by the material about the Muslim world [telling about persecutions of Christians in Iran]. We could realize how unstable is our world. In our country, Christians are not persecuted, this is over in our land. Christians in this country, however, still suffer the pressure.

This information on Iran stirred within us a prayer for the region. We understand that all Christians are one people, the people of the Living God. We at our church believe that God will build there large, strong local churches which will influence the wicked Iranian government. In these last times, God is going to change whole nations and countries. This is His time, so let us, God’s children, be active in His work.

Pastor of Emmanuel Church,
Leonid Busetsky,
Dubno, Ukraine

2. Beloved by the Lord,

We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. We thank God for your labor on God’s fields, we pray for you. We liked the issue of Predvestnik #2’94 very much, I also noticed my letter published in it. The issue contains very valuable information about Islam, our people in Kazakhstan must learn the truth. Your newspaper is helpful in accomplishing of this. Your section “News from around the world” was very interesting, we’ve used the material in church sermons.

We distribute Predvestnik in various places: first of all in public schools, in prisons, in charitable institutions, etc. Both believers and non-believers read it.

We would like to remain on your mailing list for further distribution. Our church is new, we have about 100 lay people in it. We believe that with God’s help, through our prayers it’s going to build up, grow in faith and love.

Eugene Ku,
Temirtau, Kazakhstan

3. Greetings, dear brothers and sisters,

I’m a Christian, a student at a high school, I have other Christians in my student community. We need spiritual literature very much. We are eager to learn about spiritual growth, victorious Christian life, prayer.

My friends and I do not attend churches since the small villages we live in are scattered around the region. We desperately need the source of spiritual nourishment to help us survive and carry the life to others. I’d like to receive your newspaper.

Dedelyuk Svetlana,

4. Greetings, brothers and sisters,

We have found your newspaper Predvestnik very insightful (we were handed several issues by chance). We, teachers in a public school, make efforts to bring up the next younger generation in Christian spirit, but unfortunately, don’t have appropriate Christian literature. So we ask to send us some issues of Predvestnik.

I. V. Vasilyeva,
Vitebsk, Byelorus

5. We greet you by the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have the word of God freely preached in Kazakhstan with no grave obstacles to date. However, Muslims and Orthodox believers have united their efforts, they conducted a manifestation in the city of Karakol and succeeded in depriving our [Evangelical] brothers of the place to meet in. Yet, the Lord is leading us, He will turn everything to our good.

Workers of Agape Ministries,
Almaty, Kazakhstan

6. Greetings, dear brothers and sisters!

Our church was started in June 1994 in the city of Vyatskiye Polyany, Russia after the Christian team from the city of Kazan demonstrated the Jesus film.

I’ve been reading your newspaper for a long time. I like its soundness and relevancy. There are about 50 thousand people in our city. We are praying that they could have the opportunity to hear and know the Word of God. We believe your newspaper is going to help us in accomplishing that.

May God’s grace, love and peace abide with you always.

Pastor of Church of Christ,
Vasily Grishchenko,
Vyatskiye Polyany, Tatarstan

7. Peace to you, beloved of the Lord!

Thank you for the last issue of Predvestnik, it’s been a blessing to the readers. We would like to still receive the newspaper for distribution among citizens of Tashkent.

God is wonderfully working in Uzbekistan — hundreds of people from various nationalities become believers, new churches are emerging in cities and villages of Asia.

Let your Predvestnik be the voice of the truth in this tumultuous time for everyone who longs for God.

Thank you!

With love from Tashkent, Uzbekistan,
German Uvarov

8. Greetings!

Recently a few issues of Predvestnik were brought to our church. The issues were immediately carried from hands to hands. I read one of them.

It’s my conviction that it’s very important to view life in such a broad scope. God, who created everything, is so great, He has given me not only my heart, but also my mind, not ears only, but also my eyes — all this must be active. If we become self-contained, self-sufficient, we lose much, and you view some daily-life, relevant issues, inform about various events that happen in the world from the Christian perspective. This is especially needed, since it’s very hard to evaluate the events on the ground of information from the secular media.

My friends liked the newspaper, too, and we want to distribute it among the members of our church.

Christians of Rock of Refuge Church,
Murmansk, Russia

9. Greetings!

We have received the next issue of Predvestnik and are grateful to you for that. We are glad to read about Christian revival, Reformation, archeology and music from the Christian standpoint.

We transported 160 issues to the city of Klaypeda, Latvia, which are distributed through many cities in that country. Having read the newspaper, we decided to scrutinize every article at home group cell meetings.

We pray for you that God grant you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowing Him, to carry the Gospel with even greater effect into Russia and beyond its borders.

You publish Predvestnik, and we take part in distributing it. So, we together fulfill the Great Commission.

May God bless you.

Pastor of Word of Love Church,
A. V. Vostryakov
Kaliningrad, Russia


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