An Imprecatory Prayer Proclamation: Barack Obama

As Barack Obama takes office, we are reprising an initiative we launched in 1994 with President Clinton. It is called an Imprecatory Prayer Proclamation. It was used extensively by the early church Fathers notably St. Augustine and later John Knox in the 16th century. _ _ Here you have it in file format and via email. Our goal is to get 300 signatures by January 20th. Just email us through the SGI website at

Best Regards and God Bless,

__Jeffrey A. Ziegler, President: SGI

_ *The SGI Presidential Prayer Proclamation 2009 *

  1. Whereas: The providential history of mankind is covenantal in nature, comprised of Divine blessings for obedience to the Law-Word of God, and negative sanctions for transgression of the same, and under consideration of the historic precedent of public covenantal proclamations regarding the unlawful actions of civil magistrates established by John Knox in 16th century Scotland, the combined members and associates of SGI have during the month of January 2009, conducted concerted and public prayer for the President of the United States, Barack Obama, along covenantal lines, having the Davidic imprecatory Psalms as our form and pattern.
  2. This proclamation serves as a synopsis of our activity.
  3. Resolved: To the end that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, fulfills his duties as the covenantal head of this nation along Biblical lines; we as Christ’s ambassadors pray and proclaim blessing. That is, if the President executes his duties in a fashion that would not be tyranny to good works and would uphold the abiding validity of God’s moral law as delineated in the Ten Commandments along with the justice-mercy ethic derived from the New Testament, we do declare that blessing, honor, and good success would be upon him, his associates and policies.
  4. Resolved: In that the President of the United States Barack Obama has thus far sought the codification of behavior condemned in the infallible Law-Word of God, specifically homosexual “marriage” and tax-funded state-sanctioned murder in the form of abortion, we as Christ’s ambassadors proclaim negative sanctions. That is: if the President continues to hold in disdain the Law-Word of God by ratifying evil and by such ratification holds our lives as citizens of the republic in bondage to the same idolatry, we as Christ’s ambassadors do pray that Barack Obama would now repent and cease from his cruel persecution of innocent pre-born babies and his tyrannical oppression of God’s people who would not be part of his pro-homosexual agenda. If the President ceases not from his malicious cruelty, we then earnestly pray that his days in office would be few and another man take his office, and that the name of Barack Obama would remain a reproach to all succeeding generations of Americans.

Join SGI in The Presidential Prayer Proclamation! Write to us by sending an email through our website When sufficient signatures are received (300) a framed copy of the proclamation will be sent to President Obama!

PO Box 787
Madison Ohio 44057


Dear Jay,

Can you please give us an update on this? I was slow in getting the news and did not get to add my name in time. However, I would like to be included.

Thank you.
Angela Wittman
Yes, you can still add your name. Contact Jeff Ziegler through his website.
Thank you! I will do this right away. Also, I appreciate the work you are and have been doing for the Kingdom of our LORD. May the good LORD bless you for all you do in His Name, amen.

Just think how awesome it would be if the sovereign Holy Spirit regenerated Obama to repentance & faith in the Lord Jesus!


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