God’s Eviction Notice: An Open Letter to San Francisco and the Inhabitants Thereof

Note: I’ve been a Christian editor and publisher since 1987. After learning the hard way, I’ve purposed not to write about or endorse “prophecies” by modern day charismatic preachers. I first noted the prevalent syndrome of frequent false prophecy among Christian media outlets in the early 1990s. There is no system of accountability among these groups that operate outside the church when these false prophecies are issued. This lack of accountability is more problematic than the controversy over “modern day prophets.”

However, I am making an unusual exception here. This takes the form of an imprecatory prayer proclamation, and not a prophecy of foretelling. I agree with it fully and endorse it.

God’s Eviction Notice: An Open Letter to San Francisco and the Inhabitants Thereof

“And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, (abortion) neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination (homosexual sodomy). Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants” (Leviticus 18:21-25).

The Lord God of heaven and earth, the Triune God of the Bible, God the Father, God the Son, (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit has a charge to bring against this wicked city and the inhabitants thereof. The cry of your sins have reached the heavens and defiled the land. Though God has witnessed your abominations, adulteries, perversions, and the shedding of innocent blood through the sin and crime of abortion for years, He has been longsuffering.

This letter is to inform all who have ears to hear, His patience with these abominations has ceased. Your city has crossed the line and your wretched sins have touched the sacred. Thus God has weighed San Francisco in the balance and your city has been found wanting. Your many transgressions reveal not just the revelry of sexual immorality and lusting after strange flesh, but a God-mocking, God-hating spirit that is Anti-Christ to its core. For the most part, God’s Church has failed to expose and condemn the evil of your doings. The state has also failed in its duty to punish the sins and crimes of abortion and homosexuality that your city and others like it parade like Sodom. Though man may fail in their duties and responsibilities, God cannot deny Himself.

Therefore know for a surety that if you continue in these abominations, according to God’s Word, you do so at your own peril. The tragedy of New York and the disaster of New Orleans are merely first fruits of the many woes that will devastate San Francisco and send shockwaves throughout California, America, and the world. God stands poised with his flaming sword ready to strike your city. He is prepared to exchange Sodom and Gomorrah with San Francisco to serve as a warning to all cities and nations of men “do not follow in their pernicious ways.”

Your city will be turned into a scarecrow and used by God as His enemy to warn future generations, lest you repent and turn from your wicked ways of child sacrifice, which is the shedding of innocent blood and homosexuality. You must stuff these abominations back in the closet of illegality and punish these criminal acts as God prescribes or your entire house (city) will collapse upon your wicked heads. With all diligence, take heed to this warning, repent or perish, Christ or chaos.

For more assistance, consult 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas
Elijah Ministries
P.O. Box 3126
Waco, TX 76707

Website: http://www.elijahmin.com
Email: elijahmin@ifriendly.com


Although I am in general agreement with the basic principles of this prophecy, this appears to me to sound more like the rantings of an angry Christian moralist than a true prophecy of the living God.

First, this kind of prophecy is what God directs towards His people, not typically towards the pagan peoples (which San Fransisco clearly is). The prophecies against the pagans usually seem to be about persecuting God's people, or sometimes gross injustices. Homosexuality doesn't seem to apply. Abortions might, but why single out San Fransisco? Why not the entire country, or even most of the world?

Second, this prophecy focuses on hot topics for conservative evangelical Christians, but misses the primary hot topic of the Old Testament prophets, mainly, justice for the poor and oppressed.

It it is much more plausible to me that Rusty has been reading a lot on the internet or in the papers that bothers him about San Fransisco and his frustrations have manifested themselves in this 'prophecy.'
I'm embarrassed for Rusty Thomas and annoyed with him too. His is just the latest in a long line of prophecies and warnings that have NOT come to pass in 2000 years. He's set himself up to look like a fool. He makes other Christians look foolish too!
If you read the piece, it's evident that it's not a "prophecy" -- it's an imprecatory prayer proclamation.

The difference is that a prophecy is the word of the Lord -- a prayer proclamation applies the promises, blessings and curses of God to a current situation.

It implores God to punish those who obey Him and curse those who curse Him.

The imprecatory prayer applies just as much to the unwillingness of God's people to enforce justice as it does to the pagans who commit the injustice.

I also don't agree with R.T. Jones that a single city ought not to be singled out. Some cities bear the distinction of epitomizing the big three sins that caused God to judge Israel: idolatry, sexual immorality and oppression of the poor.

I don't see how 21st century America is guilty of "oppressing the poor" -- if anything we take from the rich without their consent to help the poor.
Rusty writes, "This letter is to inform all who have ears to hear, His patience with these abominations has ceased. Your city has crossed the line and your wretched sins have touched the sacred. Thus God has weighed San Francisco in the balance and your city has been found wanting." This is the language of prophecy, not of imprecatory prayer.

But even if I grant that this letter is better understood as imprecatory prayer, the much larger issue is that he simply cannot apply COVENANTAL promises, whether curses or blessings, to a people that have no covenant with Him.
I've heard this type of argument before -- that essentially states that the Laws given to Israel cannot be applied to modern day nations.

One of the arguments comes from dispensationalists who says these laws were for Israel only and another argument from covenantalists who say that there must be a national covenant in place before covenantal blessings and curses can be applied.

I am assuming you hold the latter view.

There are several reasons I disagree.

On one hand, all the states making up the United States ARE based on a covenant with God. One only has to read John Winthrop's sermon on the founding of the New England colonies, A Model of Christian Charity, to see an example of this type of thinking.

On the other hand, one also has to explain the book of Jonah, which is God's "covenant lawsuit" delivered to a pagan nation -- Nineveh -- in the eastern part of the Assyrian Empire.

There is also the plain and simple fact that the moral laws violated by the state of California and San Francisco in particular are in violation of God's moral laws as they apply to all people, not just Israel, and not just covenanted Christian nations.

We don't think in terms of God's providence ruling supreme, but the Bible treats all forms of natural disaster, fire, storms, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, pestilences, locust plagues, attacks from within, etc., are ways in which God judges the nations.

As we obey God's law, such disasters lessen, but as we disobey, they increase. We are certainly seeing an increase in recent years.

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