Thoughts On Election 2024

The choices afforded to us by the two-party system in the 2024 presidential election are sad indeed. I decided in 1992 that I’d vote Constitution Party in every election whenever the Republicans fielded a candidate who was unfit for the office. I’ve voted Constitution Party in every election since then with the exception of 2008, which I now concede to be a mistake.

Video: Thoughts On Election 2024
Thoughts On Election 2024
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I have always said, “Revival in the church and reformation of culture first. Then politics will follow.” So in one sense, I agree that we can’t end a serious moral problem like abortion by stacking the Supreme Court with constructionist judges or by making it illegal. But I do make the sanctity of life position a litmus test for my vote for several reasons.

The first and most practical reason is that if a politician is correct on the sanctity of life (meaning no abortion with no exceptions) and won’t compromise, he will be correct on 90 percent of other issues that I also hold. As a bonus, he won’t compromise on those issues either. Think about it. If you are willing to compromise on the most fundamental of all rights — the God-given right to life — what else won’t you compromise on?

Second, a big part of revival and reformation stems from obedience to God’s Word. Practically, we have to replace at least 90 percent of our legislators to truly reform America to the place we need to be politically. So why not begin that process now. Why wait? Why delay our obedience until the political system changes on its own? That day will never come unless we move first.

Third, another reason is put aptly in the words of George Washington, “If to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God.”

To put this in the reciprocal, “If to promote political expediency, we give our vote to politicians whom we disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God.”

If we believe revival is supernatural and heaven-sent, why do we believe that God will send it to Christians who allow for some child murder in every election?


It’s all about the entitlements!

Every Republican nominee for president since Nixon has promised to do three things.

  1. End the Great Society social welfare entitlements
  2. Cut taxes and spending
  3. Balance the budget by reducing the size of government

Every Republican president since Nixon has ended up doing exactly the opposite of this.

The fundamental problem with socialism welfare is the entitlement mentality it has produced. We have created a society of irresponsible people. If we simply ended the entitlements of the Great Society programs, this would soon create a truly great society of responsible people.

For example, there might still be abortion, but in general, the abortion rate would be low since an abortion is expensive. Abortion is level two invasive surgery that is risky and has frequent complications. It’s healthier, cheaper and easier to be responsible.

A lot of people don’t realize it, but there are now fewer than 400 abortion doctors in the whole country. The average age of an abortionist is now over the retirement age of 65. Soon these numbers will plummet even more. Mainly, they are old farts and quacks who can’t get board certified. So they become bottom feeders and prey on women in crisis pregnancies. If we simply eliminated entitlements, the numbers of abortionists would drop even more and virtually no one in their right mind would want surgery performed on them by the few notorious horror show characters that would be left on stage for all to see.

Eliminating entitlements would also solve the problem of “illegal” immigration, since all people would have to work.

The controversy over same sex “marriage” among Christians would become moot too, since no one would have to support or recognize a marriage he did not agree with.

I could go on and on.

It’s all about the entitlements!

America would probably return to a pre-1960s social morality and gain untold liberty by simply eliminating the social entitlements of the Great Society programs of Lyndon Johnson.

I don’t even need to be a libertarian on social issues to understand that eliminating entitlement programs is 90 percent of the solution that we so desperately need.

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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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