- Daniel 12 in Preterist Perspective
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
- Revelation 11 in Preterist Perspective
- Nero Caesar: The Sixth Head of the Beast
- Postmillennialism: Answering Contrary Texts
- Postmillennialism: A Brief Exposition of Revelation 20:1-6
- Postmillennialism: Into the 20th and 21st Centuries
- Postmillennialism: The Irresistible Power of Christ's Kingdom in History
- Postmillennialism: The New Testament and into the Future
- Apocalyptic Pseudepigrapha
- Revelation 12 in Preterist Perspective
- Nathan Chilton endorses In the Days of These Kings
- Phillip Kayser endorses In the Days of These Kings
- Brian Godawa endorses In the Days of These Kings
- Martin Selbrede endorses In the Days of These Kings
- Ken Gentry endorses In the Days of These Kings
- Epiphanius of Salamis on the Hymenaean Heresy
- The "Neron Caesar" Papyrus
- In the Days of These Kings - New Book!
- Augustine on Matthew 24 and “The End of the World”
- Zechariah 14 in Preterist Perspective (3 of 3)
- Zechariah 14 in Preterist Perspective (2 of 3)
- Zechariah 14 in Preterist Perspective (1 of 3)
- Ancient Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and Modern Dystopian Science Fiction
- The Significance of Daniel in the 21st Century
- Paradigm Shift 2016: Brexit Times 50
- Islam — A Form of Chiliastic Ebionism
- Personhood is the Civil Rights Movement of the 21st Century
- Three Questions on the Postmillennial Viewpoint
- Postmillennialism: Prophecies Regarding the Messianic Kingdom
- "The Gospels: Written Long After The Fact?" by Anne Rice
- Postmillennialism: "In the days of these kings …" The Prophecy of Daniel
- 12-21-12 – It’s not the end of the world!
- Postmillennialism: Ezekiel’s Vision
- Postmillennialism: Of the increase of His government there shall be no end
- Postmillennialism: The Messianic Psalms
- Postmillennialism: The Abrahamic Covenant
- Postmillennialism: The Dominion Mandate
- Postmillennialism: The Suddenness of the Gospel's Lightning
- Postmillennialism: Clearing Up Misunderstandings
- Postmillennialism Reconsidered
- Glenn Beck - A Modern Day Josephus?
- Should Christians know Greek and Latin?
- The End Times?
- What is "optimistic amillennialism"?
- The Mount Olivet Discourse and Vaticinium Ex Eventu
- Realized Postmillennialism: The world is getting better not worse
- Daniel 9:27
- Is “Nero” in the new Star Trek movie an intentional Christian allegory?
- The Harrowing of Hell
- A Memorial: Norman Johnson
- A Postmillennial quote by John Calvin
- Horror fiction writer Anne Rice cites preterist influence in her conversion
- Four Keys to the Millennium
- The Beast of Revelation (teaser trailer)
- Does America stand alone against Islamic terrorism?
- What is the "preterist" view of the book of Revelation?
- The Beast of Revelation: Identified (No, it's NOT Kim Jong-il!)
- Could there be life on other planets?
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