You say you want a Revolution? Well you know …

Not that debates on the Westminster Confession and exclusive Psalmody are not important, but sometimes I wonder what is the time ratio most Reformed eggheads like myself spend on debating the finer matters versus warring against Godlessness in our culture.

Video: You say you want a Revolution? Well you know ...
You say you want a Revolution? Well you know ...
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I recently started posting a lot of short video segments to YOUTUBE and in just a few weeks found an immediate audience of thousands — and potentially tens of thousands of people. It’s a great opportunity to let our voice be heard in the public debate over the “culture wars.” Note that the buzz words that only we so-called “theocratic” Christians used a few years ago are now making it into the mainstream!

One of the cool things about YOUTUBE is that using any cheap web cam you can post live video responses to other people’s videos. You can stage a debate on-line not just in words but with “live” video. In my short involvement with this medium, I never cease to be impressed by the limitless possibilities.

I woke up this morning to find that a homosexual man had posted an eight-minute response chastising me for my five minute video: REVOLUTION. Great! I always appreciate the antithesis. That is what I am here for — to create dialectical tension.

He “dared me” to approve his response. As long as there is no profanity or blasphemy, I believe in open and honest debate. Well, I just double-dog-dared him to post my video as a response to his response!

A few years back, I created this admittedly over-the-top provocative video called REVOLUTION in which there are a lot of graphic and disturbing images. The purpose of it was to show that like righteous Lot we are continually vexed by evil men. But also like Lot we do nothing to reform Sodom. And we bow down to people who chastise us for being “unloving” and “un-Christian” when we dare to tell the truth.

See my video and the antithesis video response at:


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