The Barack Obama – Fidel Castro Odinga axis

I’ve been getting emails on this all day. It should be the news story of the year if it is true.

Fidel Castro Odinga (left) is the eldest son of Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga who claims to be a first cousin to Barack Hussein Obama. The late Barack Obama Sr. supposedly is the prime minister’s maternal uncle. Although the exact realtionship has been disputed, Obama Sr. and Odinga are descended from the same Kenyan tribe. Prime Minister Odinga named his son “Fidel Castro” breaking with Kenyan tradition. He normally should have named him for the boy’s grandfather, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga (the Kenyan “Fidel Castro”), a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary who led an unsuccessful coup to topple the government of Kenya on behalf of the Soviets in 1982. Also implicated in the coup attempt was his son Raila Odinga. It is not known whether Obama Sr., was involved in the coup.

Above: Obama campaigning for Odinga.

Barack Obama and Raila Odinga formed a political alliance in August 2006 when Senator Obama went to Kenya to campaign on his cousin’s behalf in that country’s presidential election. Raila lost the election when a secret pact was revealed with Kenya’s Muslim Brotherhood to institute sharia law in all the country’s courts in exchange for their support of his candidacy. Although not an observant Muslim, Odinga represents Moammar Kadhafi’s oil interests in southern Africa.

Sharia law is essentially an interpretation of Islamic law in which the Muslim clerics guide the civil policy and courts of a Muslim nation. This is remarkable because Christianity (66 percent of the population), not Islam (10 percent), is the largest religion in Kenya. Furthermore, English common law, not the Koran, is the basis for Kenya’s legal system.

Above: Post-election riots in Kenya instigated by Odinga. Jim Corsi claims he has proof that Obama knew about the memo from Odinga promoting the violence and still continued to support his cousin.

When Odinga lostthe presidential election, he instigated riots between tribes. Odinga’s connection to Barack Obama was brought to light after Odinga’s political rival offered him the prime minister’s position as a consolation prize. Obama called and emailed Odinga from Delaware during the primary. At that time, Odinga signed a memo of understanding for calling for Sharia law in Kenya. After Odinga’s memo was released Obama kept supporting him.

Jim Corsi, author of the controversial book, Obama Nation, claims he has the emails from Obama’s senate office received in Kenya in which political strategy is discussed. Obama allegedly provided complete campaign strategies, finances and managers for Odinga. Corsi claims he has the emails and campaign memos showing that Obama knew about the memo from Odinga calling for tribal wars and race riots if they lost, and in fact supported it.

Corsi also claims the emails between Obama’s Senate office and Odinga show Obama advising Odinga on how to run his campaign so that Odinga could institute Sharia law in Kenya.

Corsi will be on Hannity and Colmes on Friday or Monday. He says he will show copies of the emails. If this is as explosive as it sounds, it may explain why Corsi was detained and deported from Kenya — the present government no doubt wants to quell further riots and retaliations between tribes. There is no doubt that the Obama campaign can easily deny the content of the emails if they are falsified. If the emails originated from Obama’s Senate office, then they are public record. They can further prove the emails did not originate from their campaign by cooperating with an investigation.

Stay tuned …


Amazing, absolutely Amazing. And excellent, based on what you emailed, just excellent interpretation.
Need to check the familial relations, apparently, they are not 'first cousins' but very distant tribal relatives. Then again, I got that from Wikipedia.
Jay, scandal is sinful. This stuff is undocumented wishful thinking by someone who has an ax to grind. Corsi "claims". Do you think that if he had anything he whould be sitting around waiting to go on the H and C show. He would have turned it over to the McCain campaign pronto.
I don't know what you mean by "scandal is sinful." I agree that lying is sinful.

But who is lying?

I agree that Corsi weaves a conspiracy theory in his book. Over 90 percent of it is factual, however, and enough to damn Obama as having very bad judgment in his associations.

I don't think Obama has a hidden or consciously insidious plan for America. Obama is very honest about his plans to turn us into a socialist state. He's the most socialist member of the Senate and would push us more toward socialism -- but not overt Marxist-Leninist Communism -- as Odinga promotes.

However, he has cooperated with and supported Marxists, terrorists and anarchists.

It's a documented fact that Obama was in Kenya in 2006 campaigning for Odinga, an avowed neo-Marxist.

Obama of course claims he went as an observer and didn't campaign for Obama, but he traveled and spoke with Odinga and the reaction of the crowds everywhere they went imply they thought Obama was giving his tacit endorsement.

The questions raised ought to be the extent of Obama's support.

Did he do it on taxpayer time and money from his Senate office?

Did he continue to support Odinga after he learned about Odinga's plan to incite violence if he lost?

Corsi claims he has emails that prove the affirmative. We already have one on WND that shows that he contacted Odinga from his Senate email account. We'll see the rest tomorrow.

I am sure that this will be spun by liberals to once again deny that Obama has anything to do with radical Marxists and terrorists.

He merely sits in their churches for years, serves on their boards and supports their campaigns.

The problem with America is racism. Many Americans believe in the supremacy of the white race and negativity of Marxism and Islam. Anytime the racists talk about Obama Marxism and Islam seem to be the bottom line and the underlying motive is to discredit the color of his skin. Lenin, Marx and Mohammed were not BLACKS.

Fidel Odinga died on 4th 0f january 2014.

<a href=“”>Celebrating the life Of Fidel Odhiambo Odinga.</a>


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