- Tucker’s Sergei Lavrov Interview: What does Russia want?
- Russia-Ukraine Conflict Was Provoked
- Why the Forever War Must Finally End
- The City-State vs. the Village-State
- The Fourth Political Theory in Biblical Perspective: An Introduction
- Thoughts On Election 2024
- One China: Which is it?
- A New Bestseller by Trump's Would-be Assassin
- How the Western media is framing Zelenskyy's offensive into Kursk, Russia
- Putin's Historical Revisionism?
- Tucker's Putin interview exposes Liberal media hypocrisy
- Ukraine's Coming Neo-Nazi Coup and Civil War
- DEBUNKED: Zelenskyy 60 Minutes Interview
- The Russia Ukraine Conflict: Shifting Media Narratives
- The Mistake of Liberalism
- Why the US Does Not Want the Ukraine War to End
- The Florida Personhood Act
- The Economist: Russia's economy in recovery, West's about to collapse
- Largest Missile Attacks in Ukraine Yet - Eyewitness Account
- The Emerging Multipolar World – Rebuilding Christian Civilization
- Russia-Ukraine Crisis: The Media Wars
- Social Justice - Is it biblical?
- Media Lies on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
- Hard Currencies Emerge in Eastern Nations as the Result of Western Sanctions
- A Word to the Ukrainians and Belorussians - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - 1991
- Update from Kiev - March 19, 2022
- Jeff Bezos Meets the News Media Zombies
- Understanding the Ukrainian Crisis
- How should Christians view Russia and Ukraine?
- The Ukraine Crisis: Facts Versus Lies
- Is the Russian Invasion of Ukraine “Imminent”?
- Personhood Florida and Abortion Abolition
- QAnon's "Great Awakening"
- Of two evils, choose neither. ~ C.H. Spurgeon
- Nullification: The Resistance We Need
- The Personhood Doctrine of Nullification and Resistance to Federal Tyranny
- Personhood and Abolition
- Lance Wallnau: The Trump Oracle
- The Biggest Lie in Politics
- The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx
- A Pyrrhic Victory on the Ides of March
- Florida can keep Trump from the nomination
- Webster's 1826 Dictionary: Trump
- Will the delegate math trump Trump?
- The Christian Libertarian Idea
- Research Exposes Medicaid Funding from Florida to Planned Parenthood
- The Modern Personhood Movement: What is it?
- The Presbyterian Parson's Rebellion
- A Tribute to Howard Phillips
- America 2.0 – The Puritan Hope in the 21st Century
- America 2.0 – The History and Theology of Civil Resistance
- America 2.0 – The Great Reset
- "Give us a king ... like all the nations" (1 Samuel 8:5)
- Why Romney Is Bad for the Pro-life Movement
- Election 2012: What Will You Do?
- Sonny Bono: More Conservative than Gingrich or Santorum
- The Media's Cain Mutiny
- The Occupy Movement: The Death Scream of Western Humanism?
- Christian Economics - Value and the Principle of Stewardship (Part 1)
- Was America founded as a Christian nation?
- Samuel Adams on Resistance to Tyrants, 1776
- Election Fall-Out 2010: Rick Scott
- Bernie DeCastro or Marco Rubio For U.S. Senate?
- Reed Worship
- Sarah Palin didn't know Africa was a continent?
- Polls prove to be inaccurate
- McCain's hope rests in five states
- Obama peaks early in polls
- McCain 3 points behind in the most accurate poll
- Polls are tightening in McCain's favor
- How McCain can still win and win big!
- Saturday Night Live "Sarah Palin Rap"
- Bottom line on the Sarah Palin "Troopergate" Report
- The Barack Obama - Fidel Castro Odinga axis
- Pollster Zogby predicts a McCain landslide
- Obama Nation? A prediction of the November 4, 2008 Electoral Map
- McCain vs. Obama -- It's all about the electoral college
- McCain called for reform of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in May, 2006
- An electoral college landslide for McCain?
- Why I support Chuck Baldwin for President
- PZ Myers weighs in on my Sarah Palin entry
- The Sarah Palin "sigh" factor
- A Crank on Gay Marriage - Murphy Brown Revisted
- Br'er McCain and Huckabee Rabbit - McCain may still lose the nomination!
- Does McCain have the nomination wrapped up?
- Is Huckabee gaining on McCain in Virginia?
- The ABC (Anybody But 'Cain) Coalition gains ground!
- How Huckabee can win big in Virginia
- Mike Huckabee wins Kansas, Louisiana!
- How Mike Huckabee can win big in 11 upcoming Republican primaries
- Romney quits! It's now a two man race!
- Is John McCain the inevitable nominee? (forming the ABC coalition)
- Is John McCain the inevitable nominee? (the morning after)
- Is John McCain the inevitable nominee?
- Who will win the Republican nomination?
- More on the Mike Huckabee rapist "pardon"
- Leading Florida Social Activist Switches From Thompson to Huckabee
- Mike Huckabee and the rapist "pardon"
- Christianity Today article on same-sex marriage has wrong premises
- How to Vote

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